
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chicken 65

It was in my task list for long time. Ganesh wanted me to prepare Chicken 65 for his team mates. Not that I’m the best in it, but it’s been quite a few times that I prepared it. And it indeed, comes out good, these days.

I followed the recipe from the Vahchef.
I’m actually afraid to cook for others. (No.. :) not in that sense). I cook good. But I always want to ensure that I do the best, when I do it for others. Especially for people at work and for friends. I hate getting comments like “yeah.. it’s good.” , “ok”, “it could be like this” etc. If I do something, I want people to remember that. Else I don’t do it. I made this a promise to myself. Mainly because of this, I try to stick to small crowd and the best “preparation” of mine. And luckily, Chicken 65, is in my “comfort list” for non-vegetarians.

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