It was in my task list for long time. Ganesh wanted me to prepare Chicken 65 for his team mates. Not that I’m the best in it, but it’s been quite a few times that I prepared it. And it indeed, comes out good, these days.
I followed the recipe from the Vahchef.
I’m actually afraid to cook for others. (No.. :) not in that sense). I cook good. But I always want to ensure that I do the best, when I do it for others. Especially for people at work and for friends. I hate getting comments like “yeah.. it’s good.” , “ok”, “it could be like this” etc. If I do something, I want people to remember that. Else I don’t do it. I made this a promise to myself. Mainly because of this, I try to stick to small crowd and the best “preparation” of mine. And luckily, Chicken 65, is in my “comfort list” for non-vegetarians.